Wednesday, December 27, 2006
everything about the bible sucks
I know I kinda said that before, somewhere, in my mini-jungle of blog posts in one way or another. Mostly by pulling out ridiculous quotes from the Bible.
So you're probably wondering if I'm gonna do it again today. The answer is "NO", thankfully. I'm having this huge headache (from listening to music nonstop since morning with my brand-spanking-new, ass-kicking-cool headphones) and frankly bible quotes just make my head hurts more.
No, I'm not gonna pull out quotes, I'm pulling out a video. I used "everything about the bible sucks" as the title because, really it does suck but video games based on Bible stories, man they suck even worse.
Maybe the motivation behind this video is because JamesNintendoNerd hates ripoff games but hell, I'm gonna use this for the Atheist cause anyhow.
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